You have stumbled upon an opportunity.
An opportunity to help make a difference. To have a positive impact on a situation that is in DIRE need of as much help and attention as it can possibly get. If all you do is look at the pictures or watch even one video on this blog and FEEL SOMETHING for these people, then we feel progress has been made. There are so many things that go on in this world every single day that we are unaware of or ignored, homeless people being one of those things. They are devalued, frowned upon, disregarded, treated as rabies infected animals instead of human beings, and probably worst of all, they are beaten and murdered for entertainment value (you can see this in the first video as well as read about it in the second article on the links page).
Both of us for a long time now have wanted to do something to inform people about this ever increasing problem. We are currently working on a documentary film about homeless people, titled "How I Got Here". We will be filming between 5-10 homeless people and have them tell their life story and essentially what led them to a life on the streets. Also we will be interviewing random people to get an idea of what the general public's feelings and opinions on the topic are, along with so much more. Our goal by doing this is to raise as much awareness as possible and provide you with infomation that was probably unkown. 1 in 50 CHILDREN, that's right CHILDREN, will go to sleep without a home of their own each year! There are approximately a million and a half homeless children on the streets in the United States right now as you are reading this. Now imagine what that statistic is around the world. These are helpless children with absolutely no choice of where they sleep at night. A card board box on the side of the street is not a home, let alone a safe place for a child to play. It is incredibly easy to walk by these kids and turn our heads and just ignore the fact that they are there and that they are a part of our society. About 50 percent of homeless women on the streets are victims of physical or other abuse.These women trying to get away from the abuse take to the streets and their children go with them. Hopefully by doing this documentary we will bring back a little humanity and respect to these people that once upon a time lived normal lives and had families, but through whatever events, whether they lost their job or left an abusive relationship, they have ended up on the streets.
Now that we have explained just what the project is and what we hope to achieve, we will get straight to the point; we are looking for funding. We need help funding this project for cameras, recording equipment, editing equipment, and other small various costs. We need between 8 to 10 thousand dollars to do this project. We are looking to the public for help. We are not asking anyone to fork over 8 grand (unless you really want to), as we know its hard to do something like that, especially in the economic environment we are enduring at this time. ANYTHING HELPS, even if all you can spare is just one dollar, it adds up. If 20 thousand people can give just FIFTY CENTS, we will have reached our goal! If all goes well, once this documentary is done and out there, this should be a huge eye opener for many Americans as well as people around the world. So please, help us get started by donating to our project. Even if you can't help with money, please forward the link to this site to as many people as you know to give them the chance to make themselves aware of just how severe this problem is and what they can do to help.
In return for any help, We are offering to give any contributors of over $40 producer credit. This means you will be in the ending credits as a producer. This film when finished will be submitted to many of the major film festivals in the US and will be released on DVD. We have a full synopsis of what the movie is going to be about available, and are willing to email it to prospective helpers. So if you are interested in receiving more information about this film project or have any tips, suggestions, or useful information that may help us reach our goal, please send your emails to Andrew-fahmy@hotmail.com or brianpesek@gmail.com THANK YOU VERY MUCH!